Accident / Incident reporting

Details on how to report accidents / incidents and GM incidents.

Genetic Modification Accidents and Incidents

The HSE must be notified of any accident or incident involving a significant and unintended release of genetically modified organisms which present a hazard to either human health and safety or the environment. Spillage or release of Class 1 genetically modified micro-organisms are unable to pose a risk to human health or the environment and therefore unlikely to require notification.

It is the responsibility of the University Health and Safety Department to make notifications to the Health and Safety Executive of any accidents or incidents occurring within the University that require to be notified either under the Contained Use Regulations or RIDDOR.

Schools should not make any such notifications, instead they should contact the Biosafety Unit immediately.

Schools should immediately inform, preferably by telephone, the Biosafety Unit (or Health and Safety Department if no-one in the BSU is available) and the Occupational Health Unit in the event of any accident or incident involving the spillage or release of any genetically modified organisms or micro-organisms or where exposure to a genetically modified micro-organism may have occurred.

A full accident record should be prepared and forwarded to the Health and Safety Department as soon as possible using the form above.

Glass, sharps or splashes from substances with an infection risk

Accident and incident reporting system

This form can be completed online and submitted electronically to report any accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences.

This form is EASE authenticated - please ensure you have your EASE log in details before reporting an incident.

Report an accident, incident or dangerous occurrence online

Visitor or Contractor?

If you do not have an EASE account, you can still use the online form - please use the link above and follow the onscreen instructions.

Guidance on completing the form

Full instructions on how to complete the online form is available on the accident system wiki.

Guidance on how to complete the online form

Data Protection

Information on how the Health and Safety Department uses your details in relation to the Data Protection Act.

Data Protection in relation to Accident Reporting