The University Policy on smoking and help available to stop. University of Edinburgh Smoking PolicyThe law on smoking in Scotland protects people from the harmful effects of passive smoking.Under the Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005, smoking is prohibited in certain wholly or substantially enclosed public places, including workplaces such as the University. An enclosed public space includes some areas previously thought to be outdoors - for example the Old College archways.The University first introduced a Code of Practice on No Smoking in 1987 - this document has been modified through the years subsequently becoming Policy.University Smoking PolicySmoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005University BuildingsAll University buildings are signed to indicate that smoking is prohibited, and each sign includes a contact for submitting a complaint should any individual transgress the legislation. Additional signage is available from the Estates Department. Additional signage is available from the Estates Department via the Estates Helpdesk.Smoking Cessation AdviceHelp and support on quitting smoking are available from cessation services provided by your local NHS Board. Contact Smokeline Scotland via the Can Stop Smoking website for information about your nearest service.NHS - Help to Stop SmokingOther Sources of AdviceSmoking - British Heat FoundationAsh ScotlandNo Smoking Day This article was published on 2024-07-22