We advise managers and employees on health related matters which effect employees work. Health Surveillance and Safety Critical Medicals Statutory Health Surveillance Information Referral Advice and guidance for managers and employees regarding referral to OHS by managers and by self referral. Health Assessment/Screening Health Screening for individuals identified by local risk assessment Vaccinations Information of Vaccines available through Occupational Health Service Travel Health advice and guidance for vaccinations for travelling overseas on work related business. Information for Students Information for Students Occupational Ill Health Reporting Any employee who feels they are suffering from a health problem which may be work related, should contact the Occupational Health Service to discuss the problem. Occupational Ill Health Parking Health Assessment Guidance in relation to support for parking permit applications on health grounds Parking Health Assessment Vision Screening The OHS no longer undertakes vision screening for minibus drivers or DSE use. Please see the following links for guidance. Display Screen Equipment Minibuses vision screening Participation in Health and Safety Committee The Head of Occupational Health sits on the University Health and Safety Committee. University Health and Safety Committee The OHS is involved in various Policy and guidance development throughout the University, especially in conjunction with Human Resources. Professional Standards including Confidentiality The Occupational Health (OH) practitioners are governed by strict confidentiality and codes of conduct. Professional Standards Related Links University Health and Safety Policy This article was published on 2024-07-22