Speedy health intervention to help you enter work, remain at work or to return to work safely and positively and to liaise effectively, collaboratively and positively with all key stakeholders in the attendance management process. This includes employees, managers, HR representatives and any other indicated stakeholders identified on a case by case basis. Role of Occupational Health Service The role of the Occupational Health Service is to advise you as the employer (Heads of Department/School or supervisor) regarding the impact of your employees work on their health and welfare and the effect of their health on their abilities to perform their duties satisfactorily. To this effect, the Unit plays an active part in the implementation of the University Sickness Absence Policy. Our role is purely advisory, both to employer and employee and is in no way enforcing or disciplinary. Heads of Department/School are reminded to refer to the relevant Human Resources documents regarding disciplinary procedures. A-Z HR Policies When to contact us The OHS is available to give advice at an early stage on matters of long term ill-health. Advice on return to work, rehabilitation, job modification, transfer or early retirement would subsequently be provided to your employee, and to you as Head of Department/School / supervisor. As part of the process of providing advice, the OHS may approach your employee's GP/Consultant to obtain a medical report. This would only be done with your employee's consent, in compliance with the Access to Medical Reports Act, 1988. All medical information will remain at all times confidential to the OHS, and will only be released with your employee's consent. We aim to offer employees a consultation prior to their return to work following long-term sickness absence, and a review after their return, when appropriate. Advice on return to work, rehabilitation, job modification, transfer or early retirement would subsequently be provided to your employee, and to you as Head of School/Department / supervisor. Reporting work related health problems Work related health problems, which may involve exposure to hazardous processes, systems of work, or substances, should be notified to the OHS by means of the University Accident, Incident and Occupational Ill-Health Record book system. Referral Referral to the Occupational Health Unit can either be via self-referrals or by Management referrals. Self referral Management referral Related Links Checklist to help employers and employees discuss sickness absence using NICE guidance This article was published on 2024-07-22