Guidance and advice for managers with staff who are experiencing stress. Stress is the reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them which are not matched by their ability to cope. It is both a physiological and psychological reaction which occurs when people perceive an imbalance between the combined levels of demand placed upon them, both at home and/or at work, and their capacity to meet those demands. Stress can be positive and motivating in the short term, helping to achieve success. Prolonged stress, however, can lead to ill health. Work Related Stress and Self Assessment Self Assessment Checklist However, you are encouraged to speak to your line manager where possible and in the first instance as your manager may have a discussion and undertake a risk assessment with you based on the information provided in the following document; Work Related Stress – Information and Guidance for Managers / Supervisors There are varied sources of information available to support your mental health at; Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub | The University of Edinburgh Related Links Work-related stress and how to manage it: stress risk assessment - HSE If required having undertaken the self assessment and having had discussion with your manager you require to contact Occupational Health please consider; Self Referral University employees who would like advice on a health matter or mental wellbeing issue that affects work can self-refer to Occupational Health. Self referral Stress Information for Managers Management Risk Assessment Document Information for managers - Risk assessment information and guidance (221.05 KB / PDF) Stress - Managers Risk Assessment (PDF) Stress - Managers Risk Assessment (Word) To assist in having the conversation with your staff please refer to the HSE guidance in the link below: Work-related stress and how to manage it: stress risk assessment - HSE Line Manager Competency Indicator Tool from the HSE Management referrals Managers should refer employees to Occupational Health in all cases of sickness absences that last for a period greater than four weeks, or in relation to shorter periods where a possible health issue is likely to have an ongoing effect on work attendance or performance. Individuals can also be referred whilst they are attending work, if work appears to be affected by a health or mental wellbeing issue. Management Referrals This article was published on 2024-07-22