Information on Ill Health Retiral Ill-Health Retirement The referral document Referral for Assessment of Ill-health leading to Early Retirement on Medical Grounds should only be used with management support to assess if your current health would meet the criteria required by your pension provider to be considered for early retirement on the grounds of ill- health (IHR). You will have to be assessed by the Occupational Health Physician (OHP) who is approved by the individual pension schemes to do this. The potential for unsuccessful application as an outcome will require discussion with Human Resources, the manager concerned and yourself as effectively you will have been deemed unfit for further work. This will require the OHP assessing you and considering the medical evidence available, and only after this will the OHP be able to decide if support for such an application can be given. The OHP opinion will be indicated to you and you will then have to consent to the evidence being presented to their pension provider for assessment. Ill Health Retiral information for managers Pensions You should contact Pensions and Human Resources for any clarification prior to considering any ill health retiral application Pensions Human Resources Confidentiality The Occupational Health Service is staffed by registered health and accredited specialists in Occupational Health, who provide a confidential service. This means that personal information is treated in medical confidence, and will not be shared unless the employee gives consent. The exception to this is where Occupational Health are given information which is considered to pose a significant risk to health and safety of the individual or others. Professional Standards including confidentiality This article was published on 2024-07-22