In each School using ionising radiations, one or more Radiation Protection Supervisors will be appointed to be responsible for ensuring that the local rules are complied with. The RPS is a legal appointment under the Ionising Radiations Regulations. The RPSs represent areas and buildings rather than research groups to avoid duplication of effort. The current names are in the Radiation Protection Supervisors list. The RPS must be appointed in writing and given a list of his duties. These include: maintain a list of radiation sources, or rooms using radioactive material provide advice to radiation workers within their area assist the School Safety Adviser with the formulation and revision of the School health and safety policy as it relates to radiation safety and Local Rules monitor compliance with the University’s radiation safety arrangements check and submit Proposed Scheme of Work forms organise routine personal monitoring co-ordinate the arrangements for the provision of the University’s basic training in radiation protection administer and monitor the provision of monthly returns Related Links Radiation Protection Supervisor contacts This article was published on 2024-07-22