RPS Training

This page contains training information for RPS's.

Training Courses 

Although the RPU have investigated creating an RPS Training Course, at the time of writing, we feel that completing training through a certified external provider will give the student a more rounded view of Radiation Protection and the responsibilities associated with being an RPS.

There are several external course providers who have RPS Training available. The following list is not exhaustive and the RPU do not have first-hand experience of taking any of these courses, we have merely compiled a list of well-established radiation protection companies that offer something suitable. In some cases the company may offer specific RPS training, e.g. sealed sources that would be more suitable to your role as an RPS. You will need to contact the company directly in most cases to enquire about prices.

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)








RP Alba


ARPS (Aberdeen Radiation Protection Services)




University Specific Information

The RPU have created COP001 - Radiation Protection Supervisors. The most recent version of this document can be found on the RPU code of practice webpage.

This code of practice discusses:

  • Role of the RPS
  • Suitability for appointment as RPS
  • Training
  • Duties
  • Appointment as RPS in writing

The RPU may also be able to offer hands on/practical training if needed. Please send an email to radiation@ed.ac.uk to enquire.