Basic Radiation Protection Course for Analytical X-ray Equipment Users

This course is aimed at those at the University who will be working with Analytical X-ray Equipment

This course provides instruction on the nature of radiation and radioactivity, the hazard and risk it presents, the regulatory background and legal implications and the necessary control measures for this application of radiation work. This course is only available online.


Training Video

This course has one (one hour) training course which covers:

  • Introduction
  • Basic radiation principles
  • How x-rays are produced
  • Effects of exposure
  • Regulatory background
  • Control measures for working with analytical x-ray equipment


There is one 10 question assessment to demonstrate competency.

Feedback Survey

Answers will be used anonomously to improve the course content.


This course is suitable for those working with enclosed x-ray apparatus in an analytical application, such as:

  • X-ray Diffractometry (XRD)
  • X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)

This is a short course which covers the essential principles of radiation protection, the regulations covering this work and a details look at control measures used for this application. If you are required to work with other forms of radiation you will need to attend further training, all available courses can be found on the RPU training courses webpage.

Completion of this course is mandatory before starting work with the radiation applications mentioned above (or similar radiation applications).

Course Access


This course is available on People and Money.  Staff should enrol on the course by clicking on the button below.


This course is available in Learn Ultra.  Learn Ultra does not allow students to self-enrol, so please email with your name and the name of the course you wish enrolled on, and this will be manually done by a member of the Health and Safety department.

Further details

If you require further details please contact the University Radiation Protection Unit.

Tel: +44 (0)131 650 2819/651 4583
