Departmental Laser Supervisor

In each school where lasers are in use, the Head of School will be responsible for their safe operation and must appoint a Departmental Laser Supervisor.

Duties are to be responsible, in collaboration with the Head of School/Unit and Radiation Protection Adviser for monitoring whether the use of laser equipment meets the standards set down in the AURPO Guidance Note No. 7: Guidance on the Safe Use of Lasers in Education and Research and in the University’s Health and Safety Policy. This includes:

  • maintaining a register of all laser equipment (except for Class 1 lasers) in the department.
  • ensuring that arrangements are made to see that all safety matters are adequately dealt with.
  • consulting with the Radiation Protection Adviser in arranging Laser Designated Areas for the safe use of Class 3B and Class 4 lasers.
  • ensuring the necessary administrative arrangements for Schemes of Work, Local Rules and eye examinations.
  • ensuring that all registered laser workers receive appropriate instruction and training.

The Laser Supervisors represent areas and buildings rather than research groups to avoid duplication of effort.