The Unit acts as the secretariat for the Radiation Protection Committee. The RPC provides an overview of the University’s work with radiation and determines the University’s strategy. The Radiation Protection Committee reports to the University Health and Safety Committee. The Committee currently meets twice per year. Responsibilities The Radiation Protection Committee will: report to the University Health and Safety Committee on all matters relating to safe transport, use, storage and disposal of materials producing ionising radiation and the use of all equipment which generates X-rays, ultra-violet, laser and microwave radiations; study reports of accidents and dangerous occurrences involving ionising radiation, ultra-violet and microwave radiations and lasers and will recommend corrective action; oversee compliance with relevant Statutory Provisions and Approved Codes of Practice relating to these radiations and will recommend any action to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees, students and others entering the precincts of the University; approve the local school rules and will monitor their implementation and will advise on the provision of appropriate laboratory facilities and monitoring equipment; advise the University on the provision of appropriate instruction for employees and students with regard to the hazards arising from the use of the aforementioned radiations and will monitor the effectiveness of such instruction. Terms of Reference Terms of Reference Membership Current membership (2020) Prof A Murphy (Convener - Physics) Mr Mark Green (Secretary - Radiation Protection Adviser) Dr T Davinson (Physics & Astronomy) Mrs J Temperley (Veterinary Clinical Studies) Mrs Lorna Turnbull (Neuroscience) Mrs S Thompson (Director of Health and Safety Department) Dr J O Johansson (Chemistry) Mrs Fiona Duerden (Biological Sciences) Dr S Hannah (MRC Centre for Inflammation Research) Ms C McIntyre (Medical Physics, NHS Lothian) TBC (Western General Hospital) This article was published on 2024-07-22