
Information on the University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee, Radiation Protection Committee, Biological Safety Committee and the Health and Wellbeing Sub-committee.

University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee

The University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee reports directly to the Audit and Risk Committee, and is responsible for the setting of policy in all areas of occupational safety and health within the University. The full terms of reference for the Committee are published on the Intranet under Remit.

Meetings and papers

The Committee meets three times per year and meetings will be scheduled annually.

Committee Intranet

List of members, minutes, papers and date of next meeting as well as full terms of reference (remit) are available on the University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee intranet.

University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee intranet

Access for members of 'restricted' items

Members of the Committee and identified Health and Safety Managers/Advisers can access 'restricted' items on the Intranet, link above, by entering the following in the log in box:

  • username: [uun is your PC username]
  • password: [password which you log into your PC with]

If you experience any problems accessing the intranet, please contact the main office.

Health and Safety Department

Contact details

Contact with local health and safety committees


The central Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee would seek to encourage local committees to bring forward items of particular significance and/or general interest or value from their own committees to the University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee, and to help disseminate locally messages/information coming from the central Committee.

Please email the Secretary to the University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee with any issues you would like considered.

Mrs Suzanne Thompson

Director of Health and Safety

  • Health and Safety Office

Contact details

Individuals wishing to highlight an area of concern

In addition, a flow chart has been produced which highlights possible routes for an individual employee to take forward a health and safety query/issue. This flow chart has been approved by the University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee and is available below. The chart was sent to all convenors of local safety committees on 6th April 2011 with a covering letter by Alastair Reid.

Information on local health and safety committee requirements and structure can be found in our 'Safety roles' section.

Radiation Protection Committee

The Radiation Protection Committee reports to the University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee, and currently meets twice per year.

Radiation Protection Committee

Biological Safety Committee

The Biological Safety Committee reports to the University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee, and currently meets twice per year.

Biological Safety Committee  

Health and Wellbeing Committee

The Health and Wellbeing Sub Committee (HAWSC) reports to the University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee, and currently meets three times per year.

Health and Wellbeing Committee