
RiskBase is a cloud-based fire risk management application. It is used by the Fire Safety Unit to create assessments and by building users to complete surveys and manage fire safety actions.

All Fire Risk Assessments (as of January 2024) conducted by the Fire Safety Unit are produced and stored within the corresponding building profile on RiskBase.  

During the assessment the Fire Safety Adviser will confirm who is responsible for the Fire Safety of the building, they will be added to RiskBase and any required tasks will be assigned electronically when the assessment is submitted. 

How a fire risk assessment is completed on the RiskBase app.

Guidance on managing tasks within RiskBase can be found here:

Task Management (693.76 KB / PDF)

In house fire safety checks

RiskBase has multiple fire safety management tools, that can be utilised by building fire safety staff, to record compliance checks. These include:  

  • Weekly Fire Check 
  • Monthly Fire Check 
  • Weekly Fire Alarm Test 
  • Door Surveys 
  • Annual Fire Drill 

Please find instructional guides below: 

Record a fire drill (639.22 KB / PDF)


If you are a staff member with fire safety responsibilities requiring assistance, or additional RiskBase training please contact Fire@ed.ac.uk