
The Fire Safety Unit provide a number of services to employees and represent the University to external organisations.

Bespoke fire awareness training

The Fire Safety Unit will conduct fire awareness training where necessary to meet the needs of individual units or departments where it is deemed appropriate to do so. Where this is required an application in writing should be made to the head of the Fire Safety Unit detailing what is required and the number of staff that require to be trained.


This is an external course supplied by Core Fire Protection please email with booking requests.

Details of the topics covered in the Fire Coordinator course.

Details of the topics covered in the Fire Stewards course

Courses for university staff who are responsible for the safety of building users

Waiting Lists

The Fire Safety Unit operates a waiting list for those who cannot attend the scheduled or arranged courses. Personnel on the list are notified when suitable courses are scheduled.


Fire Safety Unit

Health and Safety Department

The University of Edinburgh

Contact details