Details of fire action notices and fire action plans Fire Action Notices Fire action notices are located at various points within all relevant premises. All employees are required to be familiar with these notices. Each notice will clearly indicate: • The location of the assembly point Notices must be kept up to date when changes occur. The Estates department can supply and fit where required - please submit a work request to: Fire Action Plans Fire action plans require to be adapted to accommodate all known hazards or risks that are likely to impact evacuation. These will include details of isolation procedures for processes and equipment as well as information sharing with the Fire and Rescue Service when they are in attendance. Additionally, a Fire Action Plan will detail the relevant evacuation procedures that are to be adopted for persons with impairments and the appropriate means to assist their safe evacuation, clearly indicating the procedure and processes involved. The Fire Safety Unit must be consulted prior to amending a Fire Action Plan. Fire Action Plan Template This article was published on 2024-07-22