Fire Coordinators

Details on Fire Coordinators' roles and responsibilities, and the guidance available.

The Fire Coordinator’s role is voluntary. One member of staff will perform this role for a building, but you may also want to appoint a deputy to cover any leave of absence.

List of duties

  • Attend Fire Coordinator training as appropriate;
  • Investigate any fire safety concerns brought to them by members of the University community or others and, where necessary, implement the appropriate means to negate the risk. Where the Fire Coordinator cannot resolve the concern they must bring the matter to the attention of the Fire Safety Unit as soon as is reasonably practicable.
  • Ensure annual fire drills are arranged and co-ordinated with the Fire Safety Unit;
  • In the event of an alarm, interpret the information of the fire panel and relay relevant information to University Security;
    • Confirm if the alert is a fire or suspected false alarm;
    • Register fire stewards as they report;
    • Gather relevant information;
    • Liaise with operator of the communication panel for disabled members of the University community;
    • Update security as necessary;
    • Liaise with the Fire and Rescue Service on their arrival.


We provide full training for Fire Coordinators. More details can be found in the Training Section.

Training for Fire Coordinators

Fire Drills:

Guidance on fire drills is available online.

Fire drills