Fire and Rescue Service Facilities available in certain buildings Fire and Rescue Service Facilities Some University buildings may be provided with design features that will assist the Fire and Rescue Service in deploying specific operational fire fighting strategies. The provisions referred to will include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: Dry Riser- an internal water main that allows a flow of water to be instigated for fire fighting purposes. A landing valve is normally provided at each landing; Wet riser – similar to a dry riser with a permanently pressurised supply of water; Fire fighting Shaft – a stair enclosure providing a bridgehead to support operational fire fighting strategies; Fire fighting Lift – a lift incorporated within the building that can be commandeered by the Fire and Rescue Service to facilitate operational firefighting strategies; Smoke Vent Systems – a means to ventilate smoke within stair enclosures and basements In each circumstance the responsibility for the management and maintenance of such facilities will be undertaken by Estates and under no circumstances should any of the above provisions be compromised in any way or amended or removed without full consultation with the Fire Safety Unit. This article was published on 2024-07-22