The University has a legal obligation to carry out fire drills in University buildings on an annual basis. Fire drills are important exercises and provide an opportunity for fire evacuation plans for University buildings and personnel to be developed, confirmed or modified if necessary. Fire drills also give the opportunity for University personnel who have specific duties during the course of fire evacuation to exercise their duties and report any problems they may encounter. Organising a fire drill In consultation with the Fire Safety Unit, where required, Fire Coordinators must ensure that a fire evacuation drill is carried out during semester periods and when the buildings are occupied. It is accepted that drills should be avoided during sensitive times, such as exams and conferences, however, consideration should be given to ensuring advantage is taken of peak occupancy times and ensuring that all fire exit routes are utilised and monitored. During the fire drill Persons encountering problems during the course of the fire drill can report them to the Fire Safety Unit staff members present at the time or to the Fire Coordinator/Fire Stewards/School Safety Adviser who will in turn report the problem to the Fire Safety Unit. After the fire drill Following each fire drill a report will be issued by the Fire Safety Unit, copies of which will be distributed to building occupiers as appropriate. These reports must be retained in the fire safety reference manual for the building. If a fire safety reference manual has not been issued the drill report must be retained in the fire logbook for the building. The drill report will detail any remedial action required by the participants or the Fire Safety Unit. These remedial actions can be discussed, if required, with the Fire Safety Unit. Policy The policy relating to the annual fire drill is found in Framework: Arrangements, section 4.11 Fire drills This article was published on 2024-07-22