Advice on the supply of drinking water in the University. Legal requirement Under the requirements of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 employers have a duty to provide an adequate supply of wholesome drinking water. In this University the Estates Department have ensured this by supplying cold water that is of potable standard throughout the University estate, be its origin from a suitably maintained tank or a mains pipe supply. Therefore, unless there occurs some external problem in the supply of water from Scottish Water to the University, which would of course be of a temporary nature and beyond the University's control, all cold water supplies within the University are supplied to drinking water standard. University Drinking Water Policy 2017 Full policy available from the Estates Department website and all enquiries should be directed to them in the first instance. Estates Department - Policies and strategies University Drinking Water Policy This article was published on 2024-07-22