Staff Disability Advice Service (including staff who are deaf and/or neurodivergent) The University aims to be an employer of choice for disabled people and is committed to removing barriers to employment for disabled staff. We strive to maintain a people-centred and inclusive working environment where staff feel confident to disclose their disability, impairment or neurodiversity and have access to support, if required. The Staff Disability Advice Service (SDAS) can provide advice and guidance to disabled, deaf, and/ or neurodivergent colleagues as well as their line managers. Staff can contact the service to get advice on reasonable adjustments in the workplace or information about Access to Work. SDAS digital leaflet The University has guidance for disabled staff and their line managers on the Disabled Staff Support website. We recommend that all staff and line managers refer this guidance prior to contacting the SDAS. Also, there is an expectation that line managers will have completed the online training on Implementing Reasonable Adjustments. Please note that we do not require any medical proof of a disability, neurodivergence or health condition to access advice and support from the service. Data Protection The SDAS will treat all personal data in line with the General Data Protection Regulations, please read the Privacy Notice for more information on how we manage your personal data. Staff Disability Advice Service Privacy Notice Accessing the Staff Disability Advice Service The Service is available to all staff and their line managers What do we mean by 'Disability'? What is covered by the term 'Disability'? The Social Model of Disability Description of the The Social Model of Disability Reasonable adjustments Explanation of reasonable adjustments Internal Support The University has a large number of support networks or services available to staff External Support Support provided by external agencies available to staff Staff Disability Advice Service Health and Safety Department Contact details Work: 0131 651 4252 Email: Contact us through an online sign language interpreter British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the University of Edinburgh via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language video relay interpreting service. Find out more on the Contact Scotland BSL website This article was published on 2024-07-22