Codes of Practice relating to Section 26 Chemical safety of the University Health and Safety Policy, Framework: Arrangements document. ComplianceHTMLThese Codes of Practice must be complied with either in the manner stated, or in some other manner that ensures that an equivalent level of safety and health control is met.Should you choose an alternative method you may be called upon to justify your actions and prove that such action has resulted in an equivalent level of risk control.Subject specific Guidance documents add further detail and aid compliance with this Policy and CoPs. Following the CoPs in the manner stated will ensure that you comply with both health and safety law and the University’s Health and Safety Policy.All Codes of Practice associated with chemical safety or general laboratory safety have also been published in the Guidance section of the website within specific topic sections.HTMLCS CoP001 Laboratory hygiene lists hygiene rules to follow when working in a laboratory.HTMLCS CoP002 Good laboratory practice contains advice on good laboratory practice which includes forward planning, risk assessing and controlling the risk and emergency situations. Behaviour in the laboratory as well as safe systems of work are also included. Exposure routes cover ingestion, inhalation, dermal and eye contact as well as injection risks. General housekeeping and laboratory services are also covered. HTMLCS CoP003 Laboratory design covers floors, walls and ceilings in laboratories, some basics on fume cupboards (although also see CS CoP004 Local Exhaust Ventilation and Guidance note accompanies this CoP which covers the general safety guidance, installation and design, safe use, environmental considerations and recirculatory fume cupboards), laboratory furniture and sinks and emergency showers, pressurised gas supplies (also see CS CoP005 Pressurised gas for more detailed guidance), and storage of gas cylinders, and liquid nitrogen storage. HTMLCS CoP004 Local Exhaust Ventilation details the safe management of local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems. This CoP was approved by the University Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee at it's November 2022 meeting. A Guidance note accompanies this CoP which covers the general safety guidance, installation and design, safe use, environmental considerations and recirculatory fume cupboards.In addition, a short Guide for Schools and Departments has been produced to assist Schools/Departments in implementing the new CS CoP004.Appendix 2 - example log book in WORD format for local amending.Appendix 3 - contractor induction in WORD format for local amending. HTMLCS CoP005 Pressurised gas covers building design, storage and handling of gas cylinders. HTMLCS CoP006 Cryogenic material and equipment covers building design, properties of cryogenic materials, and safety precautions to take. HTMLCS CoP007 Storage of hazardous substances covers details on safe storage of hazardous substances including limits on volumes, storage areas and storage containers. HTMLCS CoP008 Glass apparatus details general safety requirements, guidance on glass vacuum lines and pipetting. HTMLCS CoP009 Substances of particular concern gives more information on toxic, flammable and highly reactive substances. This article was published on 2024-07-22