Information on investigating accidents/incidents and what training is available Investigation and reviewing The Health and Safety Department reviews all accidents and incidents submitted to us weekly, discusses reported remedial actions, or lack of, and any further information that may be required by us to satisfy that the incident has been sufficiently managed. School Safety Advisers As part of the School Safety Adviser's role, we expect local SSAs to undertake an investigation when this is warranted, based upon severity of the accident and the likelihood of it occurring again, with a view to implementing improvements to prevent a reoccurrence. We have provided a checklist below that can be used by SSAs when following up incidents, with likely areas they should be looking into. These investigations must be added to the incident within AIR as one, or a combination of, the following, in a timely manner: PDF of full investigation including assigned and date limited remedial actions, if required. Also include copies of pertinent risk assessments, training records, equipment testing certificates etc. ‘Actions’ within the system which have been assigned, dated and completed - 'actions' send reminders to the SSAs once the deadline has passed. Although it is possible to edit actions, please do not edit an action to add a response, please add the response as a new 'Comment' ‘Comments’ within the incident in AIR A sample investigation report form is available below, but you are free to use your own one if desired. It is good practice to report on any serious incidents and your action plans to any local Health and Safety Committees or Senior Management meetings. Training in how to use the AIR system is within the School Safety Adviser's course and full user instructions are also on the AIR Wiki. It would be helpful if School Safety Advisers added a comment asap to any incidents they are actively investigating, to keep us informed. Health and Safety Department As part of the Health and Safety Department review process, we may request more information from the School Safety Adviser or line manager. We will follow up in a number of ways, as follows: 'Actions' in AIR for simple follow ups, such as absence dates. Using a version of the checklist below to gather more data as required, this is to streamline the process and reduce email traffic. We will upload the completed form to the pertinent incident as part of the investigation process. Passing to a subject specialist, such as the University Biosafety Adviser or University Radiation Protection Adviser, who may be in touch to support a local investigation, see below. Call or arrange a meeting for more information if time sensitive, see below. Once this is received, we may request more information, provide guidance and/or advice or close the incident. More serious incidents or RIDDOR reportable incidents There may be occasions when the Health and Safety Department becomes more involved in local accidents and incidents. There is no definitive list but will likely be incidents which include the following: Any deaths on campus – the Health and Safety Department must be informed asap by telephone on 51 4255 or contact suitable Health and Safety staff directly on TEAMS Serious injury which results in the incident becoming reportable to the Health and Safety Executive under the ‘Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013’ Please note only the Health and Safety Department must report to the HSE Other incidents which are not reportable but are of a serious nature such as biological exposures, fire related or radiation incidents. Training for School Safety Advisers Using AIR There is an online course available to School Safety Advisers which covers accident and incident management - including how to report an accident and how to use the AIR system to manage accidents etc. as referenced above. Full user instructions are also on the AIR Wiki. Accident and Incident investigation A short course is also available in People & Money which covers the basic principles of investigating minor accidents and incidents. To access the course, please search for 'Investigating minor accidents and incidents' or use this direct link. If required, there are a number of training providers who can undertake more in-depth accident and incident investigation training, contact us to discuss. Investigation forms/checklists Investigation checklist for minor accidents/incidents Internal investigation report form Resources Health and Safety Executive, Investigating accidents and incidents - A workbook for employers, unions, safety representatives and safety professionals HSG 245 This article was published on 2024-07-22