Legionella management

How the University manages the risk from legionella


The University has published a Legionella Policy, which was drafted and reviewed by Estates Department and the Health and Safety Department and endorsed by the University Health and Safety Committee in May 2018. The final, published version can be found on the Estates Department website at https://www.ed.ac.uk/estates/about-us/policies-and-strategies.


Estates Department takes ownership of the majority of the control measures. However, Schools have the following responsibilities as listed in section 2.8:

2.8 Heads of Schools and Equivalents are responsible for the health and safety of all staff and students within their areas of control; this includes the safe management of plant and equipment under their control (University Health and Safety Policy, Framework: Organisation Section 10) including:

  • Routine testing of emergency showers;
  • Routine testing of emergency eye washes;
  • Identifying any use of water which is out with the responsibility of Estates, such as School managed plant or equipment not maintained by Estates, and arranging risk assessment, written schemes and record-keeping in conjunction with the Maintenance Services Manager;
  • Liaising with the Maintenance Services Manager e.g. regarding the decommissioning of water systems or outlets;
  • Identifying infrequently used outlets and connections to external services, arrange regular flushing and/or removal, keep records and advise Contract Services Manager; and
  • Nominating attendees to attend the Legionellosis risk management training.

Emergency showers and eye wash stations:

These must be maintained in accordance with BS EN 15154-1:2006 and BS EN 15154-2:2006, see http://www.docs.csg.ed.ac.uk/Safety/Policy/Chem/CS_CoP003Lab_design.pdf section 003.5 Washbasins and emergency showers/eye wash stations for details on what is required.

Infrequently used outlets:

Infrequently used outlets must be flushed on a regular basis, at least once a week, and records kept of this flushing regime. The Legionella Policy includes an annexe with a copy of the form used by Estates Department. Schools can use this template and modify to suit their own areas - Water_flushing_template.

It may be more prudent to remove or cap off infrequently used outlets, please contact Estates Helpline in the usual manner to arrange for removal/capping.


Training will be arranged by Estates Department as required and contact will be made with local managers at that time.