
Health and Safety guidance on recruitment

Key job hazards evaluation process

Purpose of the process:

The purpose of this process is to ensure that all key hazards associates with the post which require input from the specialist areas of the Health and Safety Department are identified at the beginning of the recruitment stage and then also revisited after appointment to ensure the health and safety of the successful candidate is fully managed. The recruiting school or department should already have risk assessments and control measures in place for this post which should inform this process and this is simply a mechanism to ensure certain health and safety requirements from the risk assessments are considered and implemented pre and post recruitment.

Who might this process affect:

There are many jobs this process may affect, many of which are listed below – for these positions, the key job hazards section in P&M is mandatory. However, this list is not exhaustive and local knowledge must be used to identify all applicable jobs and follow this process.

· Animal workers

· Laboratory Managers/Technicians/workers

· Night workers

· Workshop staff

· Principal Investigators/Research Group Leaders

· Cleaners

· Maintenance staff

· Swimming pool maintenance staff


Prior to recruitment:

Complete ‘Section 1 – Pre Recruitment’ of the key job hazards process form

Recruiting manager:

  •  Using the form provided below or the version in People and Money (P&M), highlight the aspects of the job which require health and safety considerations such as health surveillance or measurements of significant exposure, for example exposure to noise.
    • Risk assessments already in place at school or department level for tasks will have identified these.
    •  If recruiting manager will not be the line manager of the staff member, liaise with the line manager to gather this information (for example recruitment is for a member of a Research Group, liaise with the Research Group leader/Principal Investigator).
  • Recruiting manager to liaise with local School Safety Adviser/Manager for advice and guidance if required.
  • P&M system - If position has not been highlighted as mandatory, see above, recruiting manager must select key jobs hazards section in system manually.

School Safety Adviser/Manager:

  •  Assist recruiting manager with identifying any aspects of the job which require extra/special health and safety considerations, based on the relevant risk assessments.
  • Contact Health and Safety Department for advice if required.

Post recruitment:

Complete ‘Section 2 – Post Recruitment’ of the key job hazards form

Recruiting manager:

  • Complete question in P&M system.
  •  Follow University procedures for these health and safety considerations, which were identified, as detailed in the key jobs hazards form (links to all processes/guidance to follow for each hazard are on the form).
    • Ensure a plan is in place to implement the outcomes.

    • Discuss any aspects of the job with the successful candidate to ensure they are aware of these requirements.

  • Ensure new staff member also follows University procedures if any extra health and safety considerations were identified.  If you will not be the direct line manager, ensure the direct line manager is aware these processes must be followed.
    • This can be incorporated into the H&S Induction process for the new staff member

Key job hazards Evaluation form template which can be used to gather the data but the golden copy will be held within P&M.

Useful links:

School Safety Advisers/Managers contacts list

HR Guidance on Recruitment

P&M Recruitment Training, Legislation and Policies