Guidance information and publications produced by the Health and Safety Department which are relevant to general health and safety and occupational hygiene issues. Working from home Guidance on homeworking Office and library guidance Safety guidance for office and library environments Health and safety induction Each member of staff should receive a health and safety induction session when starting in the University or when moving to a new Department / School. Handover arrangements Arrangements to follow when leaving the University or moving to a new role. Personal Computing Guidance information on using computers at work. Health and Safety Law Poster The University is required to display copies of the revised statutory ‘Health and Safety Law' poster at prominent locations throughout the University's buildings, or provide employees with a Health and Safety Law leaflet produced by the HSE. Animals on campus Animals on campus guidance Manual handling Guidance and information on manual handling tasks at work. Pregnancy Guidance and advice for staff who are new or expectant mothers. First aid Requirements under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Lone and out of hours Lone workers are those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision. Personal and home safety Guidance and advice on personal and home safety. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) Information on seasonal affective disorder (SAD) Health and safety information for contracts/tender submissions Health and safety information for contracts/tender submissions such as accident numbers and contact details Related LinksRisk Assessments / ChecklistsRetention schedule for Schools PDF This article was published on 2024-07-22