Online course migration

A list of the online health and safety training courses available on People and Money/Learn Ultra.

This table details the online training courses which are available in People and Money/Learn Ultra, in relation to health and safety.  It does not detail courses which are available in Cardinus.

Staff should complete their health and safety training in People and Money / Learning.  Students should complete their health and safety training in Learn Ultra.

Where there are existing web pages for courses, please click on the course title to be directed to the information on this course and details on how to enrol on the course.  Those without links will be available soon.

Name of online courseP&M StatusLearn Ultra Status
Basic radiation protection for analytical x-ray equipment usersLiveLive
Basic course in radiation protection in research and teachingLiveLive
Basic course in radiation protection in veterinary diagnostic imaging and therapyLiveLive
Biological and Genetic Modification safetyLiveLive
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) safety awareness courseLiveLive
Gas cylinders: practical safety training (Assessment only, following practical training)LiveLive
Health and safety awareness for lab responsibles (School of Physics & Astronomy)LiveLive
Health and safety awareness for SupervisorsLiveLive
Health and safety responsibilities of Heads of School and equivalent senior managersLiven/a
Introduction to Biological SafetyLiveLive
Investigating minor accidents and incidentsLiven/a
Laser safetyLiveLive
Laser safety awareness for users of laser microscopesLiveLive
Occupational health and animal allergen exposureLiveLive
Powered hood trainingLiveLive
Practical CoSHH assessmentLiveLive
Practical laser safety training: assessment (School of Physics & Astronomy)LiveLive
Radiation safety for users of gamma irradiatorsLiveLive
Receiving radioactive material packages into storesLiven/a
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)LiveLive
RETAIN trainingLiveLive
Risk assessment trainingLiveLive
Safe working with liquid nitrogenLiveLive
The role and responsibilities of the School (or area) Safety Adviser (SSA)Liven/a
Tight fitting respiratory protective equipment (RPE)LiveLive
Transport of biological materialsLiveLive