Laboratory animal allergens training courses

List of training courses which are mandatory to undertake if working with laboratory animals

Exposure to animal allergens must be risk assessed and controlled as much as reasonably practicable. More guidance on how to manage this exposure is on our Animal Allergens guidance page. One key aspect is to ensure that all staff and students who may be exposed are suitably trained.


Mandatory training – laboratory animal allergens

It is a requirement that all Research Group Leaders, Principal Investigators and other relevant managers and supervisors who themselves are potentially exposed to animal allergens, and/or whose group members, or other relevant colleagues, would expect to have a similar potential for exposure, and all their staff/researchers in their groups complete the following courses. 

Health and Safety Awareness for Supervisors (including Principal Investigators)

All Principal Investigators and/or supervisors who work with laboratory animals (see above) must complete this training. It is recommended for all other Principal Investigators or supervisors.

The online course is available in People and Money (for staff).  Please self-enrol on the online course using the button below.

STAFF: Self-enrol on the Health and Safety Awareness for Supervisors online course in People and Money

Please contact your School Safety Adviser to ascertain if face to face sessions are offered or if you should use the online package.

Laboratory animal allergens and health surveillance

If staff or students will be undertaking work with animals, then the PI or supervisor, as well as those staff or students working with animals, must also complete the online Occupational Health and Animal Allergen (AA) Exposure course.

Please contact your School Safety Adviser to ascertain if face to face sessions are offered or if you should use the online course.


Staff can self-enrol on the online course in People and Money using the button below. 

STAFF: Self-enrol on the Occupational Health and Animal Allergens (AA) exposure online course in People and Money


The course is available but Learn Ultra does not allow students to self-enrol on courses.  We are currently working on a solution for this, but if you require access to this training in the meantime, please email with your name and the course you wish to be enrolled on, and you will be manually enrolled.

Respiratory Protective Equipment

If staff or students are required to wear any respiratory protective equipment, then the PI or supervisor, as well as those staff or students working with animals, must also complete the online Respiratory Protective Equipment course.  This is available in People and Money (for staff) and  LEARN Ultra (for students).

Please contact your School Safety Adviser to ascertain if face to face sessions are offered or if you should use the e-learning package.


Staff can self-enrol on the online course in People and Money using the button below. 

STAFF: Self-enrol on the Respiratory Protective Equipment online course in People and Money


The course is available but Learn Ultra does not allow students to self-enrol on courses.  We are currently working on a solution for this, but if you require access to this training in the meantime, please email with your name and the course you wish to be enrolled on, and you will be manually enrolled.