Manual Handling

Staff who regularly handle loads should receive adequate instructions and training.

Staff who regularly manual handle loads of any reasonable weight, awkward sizes or of a repetitive nature should receive adequate instruction and training.

Schools and departments must also consider if hands on training is required. This will likely be required if manual handling is a significant part of a job or there are other high risks associated with manual handling. Practical training must be arranged locally.

Course outline

This course is an overview of good techniques and what to consider when manual handling.

You must complete all the training sections to undertake the test and then the risk assessment.

People and Money will record your successful completion of the training, test and risk assessment. 

The training will take approximately 30 minutes.

Accessing the course

The course is now available for staff to enrol on People and Money.  

Users should not login to Cardinus directly, using previous links, as their training will not be recorded in P&M.

Manual Handling: self-enrol on People and Money

Further guidance and advice on manual handling

The University policy and further guidance on manual handling can be found in the Guidance section of this website.


If you require assistance regarding your manual handling training, please contact your local Cardinus Administrator and/or School Safety Advisor.

Cardinus Administrators

School Safety Advisers