Those who contribute to, complete, and/or review risk assessments should be trained in how to undertake these. Risk assessments are required where a significant risk has been identified in either a procedure or when working with a hazardous substance. There are a number of different types of risk assessment templates such as for COSHH, biological or radiation work with accompanying training; this is a general course covering what a risk assessment should consider, aimed at those who have the responsibility to ensure risk assessments are completed, or those who are completing them. Course outlineThis course covers the requirement for a risk assessment, what to consider and the hierarchy of control to reduce the identified risk levels, to as low as reasonably practicable. The course is provided for staff who are required to contribute to, prepare and/or review risk assessments. It is also available to those who are interested in learning more about risk assessment and/or have to use risk assessments for work.STAFFThe course is available for staff in People and Money. Please use the button below to self-enrol on the online course. STAFF: Self-enrol on the Risk Assessment training course in People and Money STUDENTSThis course is available in Learn Ultra. Matriculated students have the ability to self-enrol. Click the link below for step-by-step instructions: How to enrol on Learn Ultra courses using the course catalogue If you encounter any problems please email quoting your name, student number and the course you wish to be enrolled on. This article was published on 2024-07-22