
The Health and Safety Department produces a regular bulletin highlighting current health and safety issues.

Please note that the Health and Safety Bulletin has been migrated to a new format (WordPress blog). You can access it by clicking on the link below


Some sub units produced newsletters on various subjects and these are available below for reference.

Health and Safety Bulletin 

The aim of the Health and Safety Bulletin is to inform staff of health and safety news, not only providing information on new legislation and procedures but also to highlight the raft of information and assistance already available on the Health and Safety Department websites.

The bulletin was produced 3 times per year (January, May and September) which roughly coincided with key events happening throughout the Semesters.

Please note: These are historical bulletins so links provided at the time may now be out of date, or the information in the bulletins may now have been superseded.  


Health and Safety Bulletin May 2018

Health and Safety Bulletin January 2018


Health and Safety Bulletin October 2017

Health and Safety Bulletin May 2017

Health and Safety Bulletin January 2017


Health and Safety Bulletin September 2016

Health and Safety Bulletin May 2016






Health Promotion News

Health and Wellbeing website news