Health and Safety Conference 2016

Regular conference aimed at all personnel with a health and safety responsibility.

This year's Health and Safety Conference took place in the Informatics Forum on Wednesday the 16th of March 2016, started at 9:30 and finished with a buffet lunch at  12:45. There was the usual opportunity for networking, both with colleagues from other University work areas, and staff of the Health and Safety Department.

The topics covered at the Conference included the launch of the new University Health and Safety Policy, and attendees were given the opportunity to make suggestions for improved communication of this Policy and the guidance which will accompany it.

There was a short summary of the findings of the most recent phase of health and safety audits carried out by Aon, the University's Insurance Brokers, followed by some examples of good practice from around the University, revealed during the audit programme.

This was followed by a description of some projects currently being undertaken which look in detail at the way health and safety issues are managed in academic areas of the University, some suggestions for improvements, and how this will be used to drive the next phase of health and safety audits.

The Conference was open to all School and local health and safety advisers, and others with a responsibility for health and safety in their workplace. 

Conference programme and presentations

Workshop notes and feedback

The following document summarises workshop notes and further actions, and highlights some feedback from our post conference survey.

Word cloud showing main topics from workshop during conference


Conference 2016 notes and feedback