Health and Safety Conference 2018

Regular conference aimed at all personnel with a health and safety responsibility.

This year's Health and Safety Conference will take place in the Informatics Forum on Tuesday 20th March 2018, starting at 9:30 and finishing with a buffet lunch at  around 13.00. There will be the opportunity for networking, both with colleagues from other University work areas, and staff of the Health and Safety Department.

The theme will be the role of managers within the University (including Principal Investigators (PIs), Research Group Leaders, etc.) in the management of health and safety, and the support for this role that is available both centrally and locally.

The programme will include topics such as the ongoing legal intervention, the role and influence of the Institute for Academic Development, issues from the PI's perspective and the most recent phase of audit visits with Aon.  The format will be a series of short presentations on these topics, followed by a short workshop to encourage attendees to think about who in their work area might have a responsibility for safety, and how we can provide better support for these people.


The Conference is open to all School and local health and safety advisers, and others with a responsibility for health and safety in their workplace. 

To book, please go to the 'MyEd Events' channel at

Conference programme and presentations

Workshop notes and feedback

Feedback will be published here following the Conference.