Health and Safety Conference 2014 - Occupational Health Provision

Regular conference aimed at all personnel with a health and safety responsibility.

Image of the H&S conference 2014

This year’s Health and Safety Conference was held in the Informatics Forum, Crichton Street on Wednesday 26th February 2014.

The theme of the conference was occupational health in the University of Edinburgh. The Conference was aimed at School Administrators, School Safety Advisers, colleagues in Human Resources, managers, and any staff who have an interest in further understanding occupational health, and how the Occupational Health Unit operates in the University.

There were a series of short presentations, available below, with a coffee break and lunch, allowing ample time for discussion and networking. The speakers were from the Occupational Health Unit, Human Resources, School administration (to share experience in using the service from a School perspective), and the Health and Safety Department. There were also a selection of stands in the Atrium, giving further information on the Occupational Health Unit and its partners or related services.

The conference was very well attended with over 70 people present.

Conference programme and presentations